Monday, November 26, 2012

Visa Interview at the US Consulate

This morning (Monday) Connie and Lin (our driver) took Maura, Charlotte and me over to the US Consulate for our visa interview. Bizzy stayed at the hotel for a little down time. We went through security and waited with about 10 other families who had appointments at the same time. They asked us all to take an oath that the information we provided was truthful, then they called us up to a window one by one to ask us questions, but mainly just to make sure we are who we say we are. We were up to that task. Our visa will be ready tomorrow afternoon. This will allow Charlotte to travel to the US. She will become a US citizen when we land in Chicago on Wednesday.

We laid low for the rest of today but hope to get out and see the city a little bit tomorrow, our last full day in China.

Charlotte is a beautiful, wonderful little girl with a big personality. Maura, Bizzy and I feel very lucky to have her. She has an infectious laugh and a great smile. She loves to interact with people, with sly smiles and laughs. She loves to play peekaboo and is a good mimic. She has a lot to say in the form of baby talk, but we think she understands some basic Chinese based on her reactions to our guides and other Chinese people. She is mischievous and curious, pulling things off of tables and out of bags, and taking delight when she is caught in the act. She falls when she tries to walk too fast, but mostly gets up laughing. We love her.

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